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Helsinki & Tampere companies –  Invite P4I partners for a visit, and create new partnership and market opportunities!

Photonics4Industry (P4I) creates new partnerships and help companies enter new markets by providing access to project funding along with research and business development opportunities. P4I is coordinated by European clusters from Austria, Germany, France, Lithuania and Finland.

Key Benefits 

  • New kind of Digital platform including 20 new joint-services *Upcoming*
  • Access to project funding opportunities
  • Access to photonics research to business development opportunities
  • Business-to-business networking and matchmaking

Call for photonics companies in Helsinki and Tampere region! Invite P4I partners and companies to visit! *Inform 18th July at the latest*

The first ClusterXChange event will take place in Helsinki and Tampere, Finland on September 7-9. Companies from other EU countries and P4I partners are joining to the Optics & Photonics Days and they also participates to company visits in Helsinki and Tampere region. Invite P4I partners and companies to visit! As a co-host you will have an opportunity to network, promote, and create new knowledge and business for your company! For more information contact or call +354 40 412 6653. Also follow P4I on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Photonics4Industry Partners