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University of Oulu

University of Oulu, Optoelectronics and measurement techniques Laboratory (OPEM), concentrates the photonics research to biophotonics and optical measurements. One of the focus areas is to study light-matter interactions of biological tissues as well as fabrication and characterization of tissue mimicking phantoms. A growing research topic is the use of nanoparticles in biophotonic applications. An actively developing area is printable electronics. There is a production line in the unit to research and produce printable electrical com-ponents like phototransistors, solar cells and sensors on the transparent, flexible substrates. In addition, new characterizing and testing methods are investigated for printed electronics materials and components. 

University of Oulu has measurement technology research unit CEMIS-Oulu. The research and development is focused on optical measurement methods in the field of bio economy, mining industry, process industry, environment monitoring and for exercise technology. The main technologies are reflection measurement methods, surface plasmon resonance method (SPR), multivariate method based UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy and picture of processes methods.